Christ-Centered Stewardship Training

helping pastors and leaders bring financial literacy & accountability in a fun and engaging way

A Kingdom Solution

The answer to money problems is not the newest tip or investing technique. It is discovering the underlying beliefs you operate in with money and aligning your beliefs with Kingdom Truth.
Kathy speaking to SunWest Church about giving and generosity

"10/10! This gives many tools to anyone wanting to be faithful with what they have. It reminds us as Christ-followers how to better steward what is already God's."

Dave Chow

Dave Chow

Community Life Pastor, SunWest Church (Canada)

How Normal is Your Church?

It can be hard for your members to embody the Christian spirit of generosity. Help them break free by understanding money's role in God's Kingdom.
Current debt statistics for North America

Current Debt Statistics

loose sleep because of financial worries


very concerned with ability to afford housing or rent


finances are the number-one cause of stress


difficult for their household to meet its financial needs


feeling anxious about their financial situation


They can learn ...

What Really Matters

faith, relationships, their priorities, and the values that are behind their money decisions

Wise Decision Making

ensuring they are using their money in alignment with their values and priorities

Healthy Communication

learning to talk about money, hopes, dreams, fears, and finding creative solutions together

Financial Truths

understanding and embracing the biblical principles for money that bring real results

Their Identity

who they are, whose they are, and why they are on the planet

The Power of Generosity

adopting a Culture of Generosity based on New Testament teachings and hearing God for themselves

Following the Biblical Principles of Finance Works

Many people of faith struggle to align their money habits and behaviors with their spiritual value systems. As inflation continues to rise, housing costs soar, and all the social pressures to keep up with everyone on social media (and the Jones's), it can be hard to move your congregation’s focus from worldly financial attitudes to a godly financial perspective. 

A holistic financial wellness program can be implemented seamlessly and easily using our experience and access to extensive resources. 

Implementing an intergenerational church-wide program helps everyone you lead come together and make more progress than can ever be made by a member acting alone. Your resources for impacting the piece of the world your church has been called to can grow without another sermon series on money and without any perceived guilt, shame, or fear. Your congregation wants to be generous givers — they just need some guidance to make it happen. 

 Let us craft a solution specific to your needs. 

What impact could your church have if your people

  • increased their financial health
  • were free to be more creative
  • had a more optimistic outlook
  • lowered their stress levels
  • had more energy
  • had leftover money to be generous
  • prioritized their most important relationships
  • stopped comparing their life to others
  • knew why God created them
financially free to expand God's Kingdom

"Everyone I know who has done this program highly recomends it!!! It demistifies financial management and helps bring focus + vision + awareness to spending habits. "

Brynna - young adult learning about money


Young Adult (Canada)

Are You Ready For It?

This can completely change your church culture

Couples who love and respect each other

Healed Relationships

Couples move from fighting and fear and freaking out about money to actually having regular conversations and being aligned with their money decisions.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor 13:13

Mission work fully funded

Funds for Missions

Congregations move from wanting to give more to actually giving more as they learn how to apply God's principles to their money and their life.

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Pastor leading small group

Positive Atmosphere

Pastors increasingly hear members tell them about breakthroughs and positive changes that happen in their lives rather than complaining about the problems they have.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thess 5:11

Cheering each other on

Unified Church Body

As perspectives change from lack to abundance, participants become advocates and cheerleaders for each other — excited to celebrate others achieving their milestones.

then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.  Phil 2:3

Cheering each other on

More Ministry Options

Your wish list will become a reality as the need to cut mission work and limit the church budget to bare bones just to stay afloat goes away.

Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them. Galatians 6:6

Cheering each other on

More Workers

Allow that loyal 20% who do everything to work in their strengths and even take a break as more people step up to give their time and treasure.

you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.
2 Corinthians 9:11

Cheering each other on

Purpose Driven People

When people understand who they are, whose they are and why they are on the planet, they stop fighting with each other and about things that really don't matter.

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Phil 2:13

Cheering each other on

Ability To Focus

When you have the ability to refer the crisis money situations to an expert and trained volunteers, you are free to move in your strengths and focus on ministry. 

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Why Us?

We Keep it Simple

Trying to understand money and finances can be confusing and emotional. Our financial workshops are designed to deliver complex concepts in an easy to understand way, free from jargon.

We Are Experts

We have taught financial literacy for many years, developed our own courses, have done extensive training, provide industry-leading programs and resources, and have a strong network of international colleagues supporting us. We also know that money is only the visible part — there is a lot more going on than unplanned spending.

We Have Resources

We provide industry-leading proprietary tools and resources that allow our clients to move quickly past basic budget and debt reduction conversations to strategic coaching that results in sustainable and transformational growth.

We Don't Sell

We are not licensed for and DO NOT give legal, accounting, or investment advice, nor do we sell any financial or insurance products. We don't earn any commissions nor do we receive any monetary gain for referrals to licensed professionals in these areas.

We are Engaging

We pride ourselves on delivering informative, engaging presentations which are interactive and really get people motivated. Our material has been approved by pastors, specialists, and industry-leading financial coaches.

We Provide Tools

Every program has visuals, handouts, interaction, opportunities to ask questions, and encouragement to dig deeper into the topic.


We will answer all your questions during your free Discovery Call.
Some common ones are listed below.

Our church wellness program provides training and support to church leaders on how to walk alongside their congregation as they empower people to pursue faithful stewardship, intentional living, a culture of generosity and action for God's Kingdom.

We work with you to design a program that fits your needs.

It depends.

Church Wellness programs are customized to suit your church, your leaders, and the results you are looking for.

We can offer a variety of programs that range from workshops, small groups, self-studies with accountability, through to private coaching. We also have family, kids, teen, and young adult programs which allow for an intergenerational experience.

Every group is different. Once we understand who you are and what you need, then we can work to outline an effective program for you.

Is it a small or large group? Big or small meeting space? In person or online? Are workshops better than lectures? Graphics and handouts helpful or a waste of resources? Do your people like to talk and get their hands dirty? Are they in crisis? Do they like and trust each other? .... so many variables!

Let's start a conversation.

Fees for your church wellness program will vary depending on what you are looking for, how many people you want to be served, and whether it is online or in-person. We are happy to talk numbers after we hear your situation.

Because our program is customized to your needs, the needs of members and the scope of the project, we provide a free, no-obligation discovery/exploratory process that results in a proposal so you'll know exactly what you are receiving and the financial investment involved. 

We have found the best results come when the leaders understand the language and concepts being taught during the Church Wellness program.

It is also more effective to encourage others to participate when the leaders have experienced the fruits of the program first-hand.

Leadership must be all-in so a strong united front can stand against the resistance that usually comes with a major cultural change.

Participants do not need to be Christian to be involved.

The practical skills and tools are universal and the Christian terms that can make topics unappealing for non-believers are minimized.

We will honor where they are at and they are free to ignore areas we highlight that are specifically for Christ-Followers.

They do need to be aware and comfortable, though, that we will be praying in Jesus' name and asking Him for guidance during ministry sessions. The intuition God placed in everyone will serve them well for a large portion of what we do.

We have a fantastic resource for developing an effective system and process for Churches to help but not enable people who are asking for financial assistance.

If your church has a heart for evangelism and serving outside of your community then we can bring in some incredible outreach opportunities that are specifically for non-Christian audiences.

Either ourselves or other trained coaches and speakers from the Accountable Network can present in person or virtually. We have access to a variety of coaches who are available internationally to support congregations of any size. We can also train up key volunteers in your church who are qualified.

Participants are never required to share their own situations, numbers, or personal information. We create an environment where many feel comfortable but it is always up to each individual participant.

Sometimes it is difficult for congregations to feel relaxed with those they do church with. Having an outside expert can reduce the fear of sharing the details.

We partner with key leaders, staff, and volunteers to tailor the program for your culture while providing guidance and best practices that are proven to work.

That is why working with the support of leadership within the church is vital to the success of the program.

Program implementation is managed by us. We only ask for assistance in the area of promotion, marketing, and gaining buy-in from leadership.

Having a program that is designed and run by reduces the strain on your existing volunteers and frees up many others to consider volunteering in an area they are gifted.

If you have volunteers passionate about this area who would like to help, we'd be happy to involve them.

We are happy to partner with the individuals you have inside your church to help them do what they do best; insurance, financial advising, etc. so they fit into a larger program rather than just what they’ve been doing.

The goal is to change the culture of the church and if you already have people working in this realm we can meet and partner with the individuals to develop a team that works together for real change.

We complement and enhance what the financial professionals you have as members offer. Because we don’t sell products, insurance or investments members are more comfortable attending sessions when they know a product isn’t behind the message.

We can help you navigate the politics and messaging so that the financial professionals in your church see how we can work together to serve the members.

Getting people to sign up can be challenging so we can provide additional resources and tools for inviting your congregation in a way that works — graphics, videos, templates, registration, marketing, social media content, and surveys.

Everything we do starts with a Discovery Call

Let's have a conversation! There's no commitment required.

If we're a good fit, we will schedule an in-depth consultation to drill down specifics.
When you're ready to go, just let us know.

Discovery Call

30 minutes

In-Depth Consultation

90 minutes

Let us know you're IN

agreement & invoice sent

"It is helpful to address what I did and didn't know I thought about finances. It made the priority health and purpose, not just giving enough or not spending too much."

Kendall Feenstra

Kendall Feenstra

Children's Pastor, SunWest Church (Canada)